Is there anything quite as satisfying equally pouring that first steaming-hot loving cup of coffee in the morning, booting upwards your reckoner, checking your online bank account and realizing that the balance has gone up dramatically while you slept? No, I wasn't dreaming of winning the lottery again (I detest waking upwardly from that dream); my tax return finally traveled through the globe of wireless and landed into my checking business relationship like a long-awaited friend. My return from the country landed weeks ago and has been sitting there patiently, waiting for it'south analogue to appear.

After cheering a little out-loud "hooray!" to the dismay of my sleepy children, I got right to piece of work with my pen and newspaper charting and re-charting the exact class for my newly-found windfall. I'thou excited to tell you lot that the offset matter I did was pay off my highest-interest rate credit card to the tune of $442. It really was a great feeling and I can't tell you how happy it made me. Or how scared information technology made me. Yes, scared. Faster than you lot can blink I spent $442 and I was dying to go along going and pay off the remaining rest of my credit cards. Merely for some reason I hesitated and was really frightened to part with this money so rapidly. In years past I might have paid one or two bills or a couple of credit cards off so gone out to purchase whatever it was that was my imaginary "demand" at the time. This yr is different, however. So different. Even though I know that the best thing that I can do is whisk away the rest of my debt with a few strokes of my keyboard, I really, really desire to give it some hard idea. I need Laura.

Every bit part of this weblog, I accept the good fortune to accept the aid of Laura Rowley, a Personal Finance Skilful with Yahoo! Finance equally my personal advisor. Laura and I speak by phone most Friday mornings when I have the day off from my job at the Community Health Eye where I've worked for years. Today I am really looking frontwards to this call so that she tin reassure me that departing with this coin to become complimentary from the shackles of credit card debt is the right thing to exercise.

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Am I crazy for being hesitant? The nightmare of ascension gasoline prices, car repairs that may be right around corner, a twenty-year old furnace and they myriad other things that tin can go wrong go along dancing in my caput. Am I thinking too much? I guess we volition run into.

What program will Laura come up with for me? I will let you know. What do you lot think? Should I use most of my revenue enhancement return to pay off my debt and salvage a little? Or should I pay a little and save a lot?