
How To Get Snail Shells In Cult Of The Lamb

Y'all have the capacity to change the appearance of your followers into whatever grade or shape you lot like, thank you to the abilities granted to you past the mysterious god. During the process of initiating new members into your cult, you have the power to transform them into a multifariousness of unlike animals. Our guide will go through the many follower skins bachelor in Cult of the Lamb as well as the process of unlocking them so that you lot tin can ameliorate sympathize how your followers may transform into different forms.

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Your cult's force is in its adherents, who are accountable for the production of devotion likewise as the management of resources and a diversity of other facets. The fact that Followers are besides a resource in their own right is maybe the essential affair about them, as many rituals need that they are depleted completely in lodge to fulfill their purpose.

You lot will have the ability to indoctrinate a wide range of followers equally you showtime to build upwardly your cult, but when it comes to picking the individual who will become your adjacent follower, yous will have some degree of personalization bachelor to y'all.

There are things that tin can be adjusted, despite the fact that prospective cultists all come with a random set of follower attributes that may either exist bad or favorable and cannot be altered in any way. You volition take the power to change non only the proper noun merely also the complexion and colour of the follower that you cull, in addition to some other characteristics like facial marks.

Before you read further, why not consider checking out the All-time Cult of the Lamb Doctrines, the all-time buildings, the best demons, and the best Cult Names guides.

How To Unlock Follower Forms In Cult Of The Lamb

In our Cult Of The Lamb Follower Skins guide, you will observe a listing of all of the various Follower Forms and Skins that y'all take access to for your Cultists. In addition to that, you will be shown how to unlock follower forms. You lot may obtain followers in three different means: by purchasing them from merchants, discovering them in chests, or completing certain quests. Defeating smaller bosses will unlock sure followers for you to utilise.

Rat Class

One of the initial skins that you volition be able to locate and unlock is called the Rat Follower Skin. Subsequently following your main Ratau's instructions and venturing into Darkwood on several occasions, he will eventually feel that you are on the correct track to constructing a respectable cult and will retire to a Lonely Shack, at which point he will invite you lot to join him at that place. You will find a teleportation device at the front door of your cult that will take you in that location.

When you have arrived at The Lonely Hut, check for heaps of firewood immediately to the left of the shack, so rummage around it to locate the Rat Follower Peel that you may pick up.

You are obligated to pay Ratau a visit after he has settled down in Lonely Shack. When you lot practice, search the heaps of firewood that are located close to the left of the hut. This is where y'all will discover the skin of the rat follower.

Fish Form

fish follower form – Cult of the lamb

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In that location is just one area in which you may locate the Fish Follower Skin, albeit it is not in a item spot where it tin can exist collected. Subsequently effectually four trips within Darkwood, you lot'll run across a shady character who suggests yous get to a location known every bit Pilgrim'southward Passage. He'll offer you a advantage for doing so. This location has its own fishing minigame, and then your followers may always accept something to eat.

If you continue fishing for a sufficient number of times, you volition eventually catch the Fish Follower Skin and be able to add information technology to your collection. Although passing on the start attempt is not precisely a guarantee, you should exist able to practise it with relative ease.

Following the completion of 4 cycles of entering and exiting Darkwood, you lot will encounter a fisherman who will provide you access to the fishing minigame and welcome you lot to Pilgrim'south Passage. What you need to do is keep fishing, and eventually, you volition take hold of the Fish follower skin. This will happen completely at random. There is no predetermined path to obtaining it; one must rely but on chance.

Axolotl Course

Axolotl – Cult of the Lamb follower form

In addition, Pilgrim'due south Passage has a Lighthouse, and the Keeper of the Lighthouse may be institute within. He will ask you lot to repair the Lighthouse by providing him with a number of pieces of timber, and he will compensate you appropriately for your efforts.

When you lot return later, he will inquire for more restorations in the form of 25 Crystal Shards, which are unique to the Anchordeep area and can only be obtained by scavenging inside it and causing impairment to the environment.

If you can collect enough Crystal Shards to complete the concluding round of Lighthouse repairs, he'll give y'all the Axolotl Cult Of The Lamb Follower Skin as a reward.

Crab Form

Crab – Cult of the Lamb follower form

You lot volition run across a nefarious individual by the proper noun of Plimbo while adventuring around the Anchordeep region. He will encourage you to travel to the Smuggler's Sanctuary location, which is where he sells items, so that you may buy them. While y'all are wandering around the dock, you can see a crab scurrying about in this location. You may get the Crab Follower Skin by giving chase to the creature and capturing it forth the pier.

If you are in Anchordeep and Plimbo invites you to Smuggler'south Sanctuary, you lot may explore the pier in the town, where you lot will discover a crab trying to escape. Plimbo will ask you lot when yous are in Anchordeep. If you manage to catch this crab, you'll be able to acquire the Crab follower skin.

Star Class

It is possible that after yous have traversed all of Silk Cradle'due south areas, yous volition come across a signpost that allows y'all to explore Midas's Cave outside of the context of a crusade. This final region is filled with heaps of riches and figures that have been transformed into solid gold.

Yous may detect the Star Follower Skin past doing a search behind the gilded heaps that are located at the rear of the chamber where Midas' throne is located.

To summarize, while you lot are in Silk Cradle, y'all must make your way to Midas' cavern as shortly as possible. From this point, get all the way to the extreme edge of the territory until yous approach the throne of Midas. You may get the Star follower skin for whatever new followers y'all recruit from this location.

Wolf Form

Wolf – Cult of the Lamb follower form

You will non be able to get the Wolf Follower Peel until you lot take completed a lengthy questline, which you may commence as soon equally you lot enter Pilgrim'south Passage. Enter the location in the middle of the night and search along the dock for a green crescent until you are able to interact with the surround to find a mysterious wolf monster dressed in robes.

You can simply find him at night past looking for the crescent sign that is concealed in each location. He has four objectives for you to do in each of the regions that yous unlock. Y'all will be asked to practice some pretty strange things, and in lodge to accelerate his questline, you will need to concord to practise so.

When you finally make it to Midas's Cave and search the far, far right corner for the hiding surface area he uses equally a last resort, he will enquire for the ultimate sacrifice. If you do this, you will get the last component of his Holy Talisman likewise equally the Wolf Follower Pare.

In decision, the Wolf follower skin is ane of the prizes that may be earned afterward completing a lengthy questline. Travel through the Pilgrim'due south passage at night and accept a stroll forth the pier thereafter. Yous'll notice a green crescent here, and if you interact with information technology, a wolf will go far and offering you four missions to terminate off.

The wolf volition only evidence his face at night in order for you lot to carry out his commands. When you have finished all four tasks, y'all will exist able to locate him in the Cave of Midas.

It is at this point that the wolf will make his last request, which is for y'all to make the ultimate sacrifice. Y'all volition get the Wolf Follower skin if you behave out these steps.

Poop Form

Poop – Cult of the Lamb follower form

If you lot possess the desire for it, obtaining this Cult Of The Lamb Follower Skin is non difficult at all. If you desire to win this reward, y'all are going to have to make a particular number of Bowls of Poop, which implies that the people who follow yous are in for an unpleasant experience.

This may imply that y'all will need to transport a large number of Followers to go remainder, or you will need to have a large quantity of Camellia Flowers available to care for those who are injured in the sick bay.

Because it doesn't matter who consumes the food, even if you lot have the Crown Ability that allows you to consume food on your ain, you lot may notwithstanding put yourself through this ordeal. When sufficient quantities accept been produced, the Poop Follower Peel volition immediately go available for use.

To summarize, y'all will need to brand a significant number of Bowls of Poop in society to wear this skin. You may simply go on to use Camelilia Bloom to cure your followers or send them to rest whenever you need to. Afterward you have made a sure number of Bowls of carrion, the skin will immediately go available for use, despite the fact that information technology is incomprehensible why you would desire this skin.

Snail Course

This devious Cult Of The Lamb Follower Pare can exist more difficult to get than others. There is a hole-and-corner snail shrine concealed at each of the five distinct locations to which you lot may shift from the teleport pad at your cult. These shrines are positioned but off to the side of the walkable surface area, and it is easy for them to get obscured by the backdrop graphics.

Each of them needs a snail shell to be delivered, and you will need to rely on luck as yous go on your crusade to discover snails itch around the ground and then that you may collect their shells. Even when they are slain, they do not always seem to drib a shell, despite the fact that they just occur extremely seldom and about exclusively in Darkwood or Anura.

In decision, in order to earn the Snail follower skin, yous will demand to locate all v secret snail temples located throughout the game. At each of the shrines, you lot are going to need to comport a snail crush with you. When you are out on a crusade, it is quite unlikely that yous will come up across any snails, much solitary i that you can kill for its shell.

Afterwards you take fabricated a donation of a shell to each of the five different snail temples, you will exist able to get the snail pare for your followers.

Monster Form

Mad Monster – Cult of the Lamb follower course

This last follower skin has been crafted equally a tribute to the game's creator, Mad Monster. You won't be able to learn this undercover until you find the store of the merchant known as Rakshasa, who sells nutrient beside his enormous snail wife.

Rakshasa, on the other manus, will get enraged if you strike the snail. If yous hitting it enough times, the merchant will appoint in gainsay with you. Even though he has a decent amount of defense, it is not hard to avoid his assaults.

It is imperative that you locate the merchant known as Rakshasa. Rakshasa is doing business with a woman who specializes in snails. You should go started on defeating the snail equally soon as possible. If you hit her sufficiently, Rakshasa will join the boxing against you and try to accept her downwards.

The battle will not exist simple, merely information technology will not be impossible either. After y'all have defeated Rakshasa, he will acknowledge that he has been defeated and will agree to conduct business organisation with you on the condition that you keep your hands off of the snail. Later that, he will hand over to y'all the one-of-a-kind Mad Monster ornamentation.

You have plans to construct this Mad Monster statue in your cult's base of operations. Once everything is in place, pray to it, and you volition be able to give your followers the Mad Monster Skin.

For a much more detailed guide about how to unlock the Mad Monster form in the game, read our Cult of the Lamb Monster form guide.


Unlocking followers is essential towards progression in Cult of the Lamb during mid to late game. Now that you take learned about all Cult Of The Lamb Follower Skins, which was tough to unlock then far? Permit u.s. discuss it farther or chat about it in the comments section below.

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